Oct. 14, 2022
Veslee 132nd Canton Fair Online
The 132nd session of china import and export fair, Canto fair , Veslee Car Care and Spray Paints online
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Sep. 29, 2022
Do you know that? Four ways to maintain car paint
Car paint is like the invisible coat of the car, so it is very important to maintain the car paint
Sep. 19, 2022
What is car wax? How often should you wax it?
Wax - in most cases - is about protection. You put a barrier between the varnish and the outside world to protect it from harmful substances in the air, UV rays and water.
Aug. 31, 2022
Why do cars form carbon deposits?
What is carbon deposits? And how often should carbon deposits be cleaned up? Veslee Care Care & Spray Paints will tell you all about it.
Aug. 17, 2022
Good news! Veslee pass the ISO9001, ISO14001 certification